Getting Into the Right Mindset This Fall
The holiday season is quickly approaching, and buckle up, it’s going to go by fast! How do you feel about the upcoming temptations that surround
The holiday season is quickly approaching, and buckle up, it’s going to go by fast! How do you feel about the upcoming temptations that surround
With the kids settled into school and their new routines, what about your routine? Now is a great time to carve out a little extra
Spring has arrived! How is your motivation this time of year? The spring weather often lifts our spirits and makes it easier to get out
So how’s 2024 going so far for you? Did you set any new goals? Or recommit to some old ones?Or maybe you’re just not up
When life and our schedules begin to feel too busy or chaotic, I like to remind myself that every day is a fresh start. No
If you are new to the world of incorporating mindset strategies into your general diet and lifestyle choices, then you must give this ‘brain hack’
When working with clients on weight loss strategies, it’s common for people to worry a little about their upcoming vacations. They sometimes fear that it’s
The countdown has begun at our house! In 6 short weeks, school will be out for the summer. We will be heading to the beach
As January comes to a close, how are you feeling about your personal goals? I hope the new year still feels shiny and new,
What will 2023 look like for you? What sounds exciting or fun? Or, what is that thing you’ve been putting off and wish you could
As we attend our holiday parties in December, we can practice keeping a clear head about the holiday season. A common thought we all are
The holidays are coming. We’re going to blink and the year is going to be over! Soon we will be busy enjoying the sights, sounds,
It’s a GREAT time of year to redefine what you want when it comes to your health and overall wellness, and recommit. As summer comes
So earlier this month we talked about having a simple default system or gameplan to fall back on when things get overly busy. Did you
This past month has been one of those months! You know the ones, full of unexpected twists and turns, red tape, illnesses, and so on.
A new year. A fresh start. A clean slate.🤩 🤩 🤩 What goal do YOU want to work on this year? If you’re like me,
Thanksgiving is right around the corner. If you aren’t hosting this year, chances are you will offer to bring something to contribute to the family
What’s the secret to breaking the cycle of giving in to cravings for junk food? It’s simply a skill that you have to learn. It
Whenever I’m having a bad day, and the new healthy habit that I’m working on begins to feel out of reach or unattainable, one of
September really IS the other January! Now is a great time to go after any goals you’ve been putting off. Get the kids settled into
You meet yourself where you are. You eat the foods that you like. You use the psychology of the brain to your advantage, and you
If counting calories or macros works for you, then I am all for it, keep doing it! But, if you haven’t found long-term success by
What? Why would I want to keep any junk food around when I’m trying to lose weight? Why would I want to tempt myself with
If you liked the best-selling book Atomic Habits, by James Clear, you are going to love the approach I use for weight loss. There are
Why is mindset so important when it comes to weight loss? Because the only reason we don’t reach any goal we’ve set out for ourselves
When we first decide to turn over a new leaf, our excitement can run so high! The desire to reach the end result fuels our
None us of have to lose weight. We won’t be more valuable, more worthy, or more deserving of all that we desire in life if
I would never try to tell anyone who has found a healthy living regimen that they are doing it wrong. There are (what feels like)
Changing your mindset around food (or any habit) in order to get the results you desire is a process. It doesn’t happen overnight, there is
So how are your resolutions going? By some estimates, an average of 80% of people give up on their resolutions by the second week of
I have fallen into the trap of artificial sweeteners off and on over the years. The promise of enjoying something sweet without the calories is
James Clear, the author of the best-selling book, Atomic Habits, said, “Many people think they lack motivation when they really lack clarity.” As we head
As we enter into 2021, millions of Americans will make New Year’s resolutions in an effort to better themselves. Health-related resolutions will top the list.
Are you getting in enough water each day? We all know how important it is to stay hydrated. We know that it helps to calm
How do you do with your healthy habits when it comes to the weekend? Many of us have a harder time staying on track. We
One of the tools I use with my clients is called the 24 Hour Plan. It gets our minds in the habit of making decisions
If you are trying to eat healthier and lose a few pounds, you might approach the holidays with a slight sense of dread. You might
In just about any situation where I feel pressure, I like to remind myself that I don’t HAVE to do anything. If I put pressure
It’s important to stay in tune with your “why.” You may also hear me ask you what your compelling reason is. Truth is, since we
If you have struggled to lose weight on your own in the past, or you lost the weight but had trouble keeping it off, a
There are a ton of different ways to maintain a healthy weight. There isn’t one right way. If you have found your way, by all
They say the first step is always the hardest. When we decide to pursue a goal that we believe will be challenging or scary, we