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It Starts with a Goal

A new year. A fresh start. A clean slate.🤩 🤩 🤩

What goal do YOU want to work on this year?

If you’re like me, January is a great time to not only rest and recover from the activity of the holidays, but also to think about what you want to accomplish this year.

What have you been putting off that you would like to give some attention to in your life?

As a coach for busy moms, I can help you with any goal or area you feel stuck.

With all goals, step one is to get very specific about what you are trying to accomplish. It’s not “get healthier,” it’s exercise 3 times per week consistently, or limit alcohol to x# of glasses on Friday and Saturday nights.

If it’s “get more organized,” start with one shelf in the closet, or one drawer in your mudroom.

If you’re seeking “more connection”, be specific about how you plan to reach out, text, call, or meet in person and how often.

More importantly, it must be doable. If you change too much too fast, your willpower, or even genuine excitement over the new challenge, will eventually run out.

As calendars start to fill back up again and life starts to get in the way, what will your strategy be to keep your head in the game?

Coaching is a tremendous help for this reason.

Coaching provides accountability, focus, and someone to help you craft a baseline strategy for the days when we feel too busy or we lose steam.

It provides a methodology for making progress each day, and the mindset skills to manage your mind during the times when you feel like giving up. We’ve all heard it said that the only time you truly fail is when you give up.

So let’s find a way to stop giving up.

I invite you to a free call to see if coaching is right for you.

Your results are waiting.

p.s. If you are ready to start turning your personal goal into a reality, email me at and let’s talk about how I can help you get there!

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