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How Vacations Can Actually Help You Lose Weight

When working with clients on weight loss strategies, it’s common for people to worry a little about their upcoming vacations. They sometimes fear that it’s inevitable that they will lose ground on the progress they’ve made. They might worry they will “go off the rails” or “ruin everything they’ve done.” It’s almost as if they feel they won’t be in control and will have no say in how things will go.

It may be true that you won’t have your predictable routines that you have at home, but I would like to offer you some evidence for believing otherwise. Here are some things I have noticed about my summer vacations that have helped me not only not gain weight on vacation, but often even lose a couple of pounds.

But before I go over those, I want to remind you, so what if you do gain a few pounds on vacation? Vacations are meant to be a break from the norm, a time to relax and enjoy all the experiences available to us. When you develop a healthy, sustainable approach to your everyday life at home, you don’t have to worry that a few vacation pounds will ruin ‘everything,’ and you won’t find yourself feeling like throwing in the towel and giving up. You’ll know that when you get home, you can easily return to the healthy lifestyle you have built and enjoy living. You won’t allow yourself to believe that all is lost.

So here is what I would offer that you notice about vacations and how things can actually HELP you in your weight loss journey.

Notice that your mindset is different on vacation. Your thinking patterns are different when you are pulled out of your daily routine. Researchers often site that we typically repeat many of the same thoughts each day. It makes sense that as we go about our daily routines at home that we would be reminded of all that we have to do, or day to day worries and stressors in our lives.

On vacation though, we are in a completely new environment filled with new experiences. It is the refreshing break from the daily triggers that give us a chance to unwind and relax. Less stress means less stress hormones in our system (often cited as a contributor to weight gain), more happiness hormones, and better sleep.

Warmer weather can be responsible for lighter choices when it comes to foods and beverages. I have found the heat of the summer often causes me to choose a lighter alcoholic beverage, and I choose fish more often than not when I’m at the beach. Fresh local fish choices are everywhere at the coast, and I want to soak up all the fresh catch that I can. The heat of the summer usually encourages me to drink more water, too.

Vacationing somewhere beautiful with warmer weather encourages us to get out and explore whether walking or biking. We tend to park the car for the week and spend a lot more time outside. At large resorts, we always are surprised at how much walking is involved and how we get more exercise than we even realize. Longer, lazier days, and more sunlight mean it’s easier for us to find time to walk in the evening, even if it’s after getting an ice cream 😄.

So consider this change in perspective before you go on vacation, and remember that you don’t have to believe that it’s inevitable that vacations will sabotage your progress. Enjoy your vacation and if you need help developing healthy habits at home, I am just one click away.

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