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Artificial Sweeteners & Insulin

I have fallen into the trap of artificial sweeteners off and on over the years.

The promise of enjoying something sweet without the calories is just so tempting. It feels like a no-brainer.  It’s like the thrill of getting something for free, what could be wrong with that?

No calories does NOT mean no consequence.

Did you know that artificial sweeteners raise your insulin even though they have no sugar and no calories?

As long as our insulin is elevated, we cannot burn stored fat.

So if you enjoy diet sodas or other drinks (like teas) with artificial sweeteners mid-morning and again in the afternoon (like I used to do), and you enjoy eating 3 meals a day, your insulin level is staying elevated most of the day.

You may be choosing these drinks for the caffeine boost you feel you need to get through your day.

What you may not realize is that you are robbing your insulin of the chance to drop back down between meals. Perpetually high insulin can cause insulin resistance over time. Our cells can’t process glucose as efficiently and excess glucose becomes stored fat as opposed to be processed normally.

Artificial sweeteners do a number on our brains, too. According to Dr. Jason Fung, an expert on insulin and its relationship to weight gain, it’s believed that “the brain may perceive an incomplete sense of reward by sensing sweetness without calories, which may then cause overcompensation and increased appetite and cravings.”

It’s a trick without the treat.

A trap that I can help you break free from and is sure to help calm your cravings!

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