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Whatever You Do, Don’t Do This


As January comes to a close, how are you feeling about your personal goals? I hope the new year still feels shiny and new, and still ripe with possibilities.

Whether you are steadily making progress, or still getting your bearings, after a few days or weeks of new habits, it can get tiring.

But whatever you do (or don’t do), don’t give up on yourself.

Even if your plans haven’t really gotten off the ground, don’t give up.

Even if you made promises to yourself, but then completely ignored them, don’t give up.

If you’ve implemented some new habits, but don’t know if it’s really ‘working’, don’t give up.

You are the expert on your life, on your circumstances, and you know better than anyone what it’s going to take to make progress.

Noticing and being more mindful of the choices we make and why, is always where we begin, and IT COUNTS as progress.

Trying new things can keep it interesting if we get bored with the process.

For example, taking advantage of a free trial at several new gyms, or trying a form of exercise you’ve never done before. Walking new trails with a friend, or watching a new series while you’re on the treadmill, switching it up can make things feel lighter. Choosing a healthier meal at a new restaurant each week, the ones you always drive by, but don’t know much about.

Growth can be a little uncomfortable, but there are so many ways to make it more fun.

Just promise me you will keep going if there is a goal you really, really, want.

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