The Missing Piece

Why is mindset so important when it comes to weight loss?

Because the only reason we don’t reach any goal we’ve set out for ourselves is because of the voice in our heads that puts up obstacles.

The voice that says I can’t do it because…I don’t have time for…I’m just too busy…I have too much in my plate right now, but when things settle down…It’s really hard to go without x (insert food or habit that you’d like to change)…I have tried before and it didn’t work.

If we are feeling determined, we often try to push against that voice, or stifle it. We may gain some temporary traction with willpower.

But if the underlying belief that ‘it’s so hard’ or ‘this is going to be difficult’ is still there, it eventually sneaks back in during our weak moments, can make us feel defeated, and can sabotage our efforts to keep making progress and stay on track.

What’s valuable is to recognize this pattern, to know that these thoughts may show up, and be on the lookout for them.

Be onto yourself with the excuses, know that our brains prefer the easy and familiar, and be prepared to have strategies in place to uphold the new habit we want to intentionally choose instead.

Giving this some thought ahead of time is key to your success and is what we work on to make sure you’re prepared when those weak moments arrive, and they always do.

Want to work on mindset? It’s the missing piece to reaching your goal if you haven’t.

Why Intensity is Overrated

When we first decide to turn over a new leaf, our excitement can run so high! The desire to reach the end result fuels our thoughts and actions and motivates us to work hard.

We may, for example, promise ourselves to go to the gym every day, even exercise twice a day, going at it with extra intensity to make up for lost time.

Or, you may decide to throw away all tempting food in your house and eat mostly vegetables to cancel out a recent series of unhealthy choices.

I’m sure you know what I’m about to say, this can lead to burnout quickly!

A better approach of course, is to take things slower, and recognize that smaller steps done consistently will win out over big sweeping changes every time.

When you are tempted to think that skipping that short daily walk is no big deal, and it would be better to wait until the weekend when you can get to the gym and really workout with greater intensity, catch yourself and remind yourself of that simple fact about perseverance.

And when discouragement sets in because you’re not seeing the results fast enough, remember the story of the stone cutter:

“When nothing seems to help, go and look at a stonecutter hammering away at his rock perhaps a hundred times without as much as a crack showing in it. Yet at the hundred and first blow, it will split in two, and I know it was not that blow that did it, but all that had gone before.” —Jacob Riis

Never underestimate the value of small steps done consistently.

Keep going, mama!

Here’s The Thing

None us of have to lose weight.

We won’t be more valuable, more worthy, or more deserving of all that we desire in life if we were a smaller size.

We won’t be more lovable, or more superior.

We are all uniquely amazing and wonderful just as we are, and the truth is that our bodies are supposed to come in all different shapes and sizes based on our DNA.

There is no one right body shape or size. 

However, if you’ve fallen into some habits that aren’t serving you physically or mentally, that are draining your energy, or holding you back from feeling your best, I know of a way to change those habits to feel better. 

It isn’t the only way, but I have personally benefitted from coaching and I would love to share it with you.

But if you decide coaching isn’t the way for you, that’s ok, too.

Just don’t give up on finding your way, because I promise you it’s out there.

And when you find it, everything will click.

You will know you have an approach that’s doable, one that you can stick with forever.

Your ‘dieting’ days will be over, and you will you will thank yourself over and over for having never given up.