To Count or Not to Count

how to lose weight

If counting calories or macros works for you, then I am all for it, keep doing it!

But, if you haven’t found long-term success by doing so, and are feeling stuck or discouraged with losing weight, I would offer you this.

What if we don’t need to count calories or macros?

What if we don’t need to enter everything we’re eating into an app, or scrutinize how many carbs are in the foods we eat?

What if we could just eat when we’re truly hungry and stop when we’re full?

What if we could stop eating for emotional reasons or by the clock, and simply listen to our bodies and allow them to regulate our needs as they have for thousands of years, before processed foods.

Sounds too easy? Let me ask you this, do you check in with yourself before reaching for a snack or before filling up your plate?

Do you ever pause to ask yourself if your desire for a snack is out of true physical hunger, or is it for emotional reasons? Most of us don’t. Most of us fall into a pattern that we feel like we don’t have much control over changing, or that’s too hard to change. But what if it’s really not?

Learning how to pull back the curtain on our eating habits is really important if you’re not getting the results you are wanting with regard to your health. Taking a look at the psychology related your habits and using it to your advantage to get leverage over cravings is enormously powerful.

And when you can combine proven strategies along with personalized coaching to ensure you’re taking action, that becomes the key to long term success.

And then, deciding whether to count or not to count becomes unnecessary.

Schedule a call here if you would like to learn more:

Don’t Throw Away All the Junk Food

how to resist temptation

What? Why would I want to keep any junk food around when I’m trying to lose weight?

Why would I want to tempt myself with sugary treats?

Because until we learn the SKILL of being around sweets and NOT indulging in them, we can’t fully be in control around them.

Some of the wisest words I once heard were “We will never be able to control our anger apart from situations that provoke it.” It’s the same with cravings!

If you remove every possible temptation from your kitchen, what happens when we are around them at restaurants, parties, or events? We can’t always control our environment, someone will always be offering us sweets and other desserts. It’s helpful to allow at least some temptations to stay in order to practice managing the desire for them.

What I want to equip you with is a methodology for learning to PROCESS cravings. To learn to sit with them, how to not give in to them, how to feel all the feels and in the process, strengthen our self-discipline.

Worried  that self-discipline is something you weren’t born with?

Not true. It’s just a skill that no one ever taught you.

One that anyone can learn as long as they’re committed to learning it.

I invite you to learn this methodology risk free. 

Schedule a call here if you would like to learn more:

Stop Focusing on Your Goal

If you liked the best-selling book Atomic Habits, by James Clear, you are going to love the approach I use for weight loss. There are so many similarities.

For example, his quote If you want better results, then forget about setting goals. Focus on your system instead.

I know it sounds counterintuitive. Forget your goal? But it’s true. So often we fixate on the goal, typically a number on the scale that we’ve decided is our goal weight.

We spend a lot of time thinking about that number, how happy we were when the scale once read X pounds. Or, how happy we will be in the future.

We are so attached to reaching that number that we start considering all the possible ways we can get there, asap! A new diet you heard about that worked for someone else, wondering just how few calories could you get by on, or you decide to only eat salads until you reach the goal.

Drastic temporary measures to reach the goal fast, without much consideration on how we plan on staying there.

James Clear also points out, “The purpose of setting goals is to win the game. The purpose of building systems is to continue playing the game. It’s not about any single accomplishment. It’s about the cycle of endless refinement and continuous improvement.”

If we want a permanent solution to weight loss, we should be building the systems we need to not only get to the goal, but stay there.

Whether you use my program or your own, shoot for improvements that are simple, clear, and 100% doable. Attainable habits that can become part of your system.

If you are done with the quick-fix mentality of diets, I invite you to come join me and try my life-long methodology risk free.

Contact me here at to reach out and learn more or schedule a free Zoom call, and let’s get started on a system customized for you.