How do you do with your healthy habits when it comes to the weekend?
Many of us have a harder time staying on track.
We have thoughts like, “I’ve been so good all week that I deserve it,” or, “Everyone has a cheat day on the weekend.”
The reality is that if we eat healthy Monday-Thursday, and then eat not-so-healthy Friday-Sunday, that means we are only eating healthy 57% of the time (leaving 43% to chance) which is a ratio that is often much different than we realize.
The tradition is typically a cheat meal, but it can often turn into a cheat weekend, since the weekend is more undefined.
Do your weekends need a little more structure to them?
Can you commit to at least one healthy habit each day from Friday-Sunday?
Are there other healthy activities or habits that fit into your lifestyle that you can strive for on the weekends?
We are what we do MOST of the time, so enjoy the change of pace, but keep these ratios in mind and try to choose wisely.
Have a wonderful weekend!