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Resolution Jumpstart: Don’t Overcomplicate It

As we enter into 2021, millions of Americans will make New Year’s resolutions in an effort to better themselves. Health-related resolutions will top the list.

What’s the secret to being successful? Finding success with your goal is simply a matter of mindset.

So often we focus on what we should DO, but do you ever focus on what you should THINK?

One of my favorite quotes is, “If more information was the answer, we’d all be billionaires with six pack abs.”

It’s true that it isn’t lack of information that holds us back, but our THOUGHTS that either fuel positive action or thoughts that don’t.

So how do we ensure that we make progress toward our goals this year?

We combine reasonable steps with an understanding that motivation isn’t found, it’s cultivated.

One way is to pick the biggest culprit in our diet or lifestyle and narrow our focus, instead of trying to do too much too fast, without overcomplicating the process.

We get honest with ourselves, we expect that we aren’t going to feel like embracing change each day, and we decide in advance to do it anyway.

We also don’t expect to be perfect. We, in fact, know that there will be good days and bad days, and we make the decision to keep going, no matter what. We also have compassion for ourselves along the way and don’t spin in regret if we make mistakes, or don’t live up to our own expectations.

What if we chose to think, “I am continually learning and evolving as an individual. I am right on track, and I can own that my thoughts each day either move me toward my goal, or away from it. I can have compassion for myself just as I would for my daughter, for example, if she were struggling with something. Imperfection is part of a realistic path to any goal, and I will reach my goal as long as I don’t give up. The goal is not the ultimate prize anyway, it’s who I become along the way.”

Here’s to a year full of possibilities, let’s do this!

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