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The Most Important 5 Minutes of Your Day

One of the tools I use with my clients is called the 24 Hour Plan.

It gets our minds in the habit of making decisions ahead of time regarding what we plan to eat.

It’s not overwhelming, it’s just one day at a time.

It’s also not drastically different than what we did yesterday, but better.

It shouldn’t take much more than 5 minutes, because it’s similar to what we’ve already been doing, but with small improvements.

Having a plan, whether on paper, or just digitally on your phone, gets us into the practice of setting an intention for the day.

We get a chance to think in advance about the different decisions we could make, and by not waiting until we are rushed, hungry, or tired, we are actually using a different part of our brain to make decisions that affect our health and well being, one that is better at thinking through consequences, instead of using the part of the brain that prefers immediate gratification.

Practicing honoring the plan and overcoming the desire to change your mind is a skill that is strengthened with repetition.

Some days will go well, and some days won’t, but the 5 minutes each day I spend to plan my food ahead of time, is the most important thing I can do to set myself up for success each day.

And even if things don’t go as planned, there is value in reflecting on the decisions you made in the moment, and understanding why. Noticing our patterns raises our awareness, which is the first step to changing our habits.

Give it a try and see if 5 minutes can make a difference for you.

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