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Remember, You Don’t Have To

In just about any situation where I feel pressure, I like to remind myself that I don’t HAVE to do anything.

If I put pressure on myself to reach a certain number on the scale, I remind myself:

I don’t have to eat better.

I don’t have to be healthier.

I don’t have to exercise.

I don’t have to stop eating so many sweets.

I WANT to.

I want to experience all the benefits of making healthier choices.

I want to have more energy.

I want to sleep better.

I want to fuel my body with foods that make me feel fantastic and sharper mentally.

I know that I am (and YOU are) 100% worthy and valuable no matter what we choose (and our family and true friends will love us just the same).

But right now, I choose healthy.

Then the pressure melts away, and a different energy drives me, one that propels me.

One that allows me to own my choices.

Feeling propelled is much more fun than feeling pressured.

Let’s own our choices today.

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