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how to resist temptation

Don’t Throw Away All the Junk Food

What? Why would I want to keep any junk food around when I’m trying to lose weight?

Why would I want to tempt myself with sugary treats?

Because until we learn the SKILL of being around sweets and NOT indulging in them, we can’t fully be in control around them.

Some of the wisest words I once heard were “We will never be able to control our anger apart from situations that provoke it.” It’s the same with cravings!

If you remove every possible temptation from your kitchen, what happens when we are around them at restaurants, parties, or events? We can’t always control our environment, someone will always be offering us sweets and other desserts. It’s helpful to allow at least some temptations to stay in order to practice managing the desire for them.

What I want to equip you with is a methodology for learning to PROCESS cravings. To learn to sit with them, how to not give in to them, how to feel all the feels and in the process, strengthen our self-discipline.

Worried  that self-discipline is something you weren’t born with?

Not true. It’s just a skill that no one ever taught you.

One that anyone can learn as long as they’re committed to learning it.

I invite you to learn this methodology risk free. 

Schedule a call here if you would like to learn more:

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