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healthy food prep on cutting board

Back to School, Back to Wellness

With the kids settled into school and their new routines, what about your routine? Now is a great time to carve out a little extra time for taking better care of yourself.

Many of us are also feeling the shift from warmer temperatures to crisper mornings and evenings, my daughter said it even smells like fall! These cooler temps are making evening walks much more enjoyable, we need to soak up this weather while it lasts!

What’s an activity you are looking to reconnect with that will nourish a health body or healthy mind?

I find with the change of seasons I look forward to favorite recipes that align with the season. Right now, I can’t wait to make my turkey chili, low carb pumpkin muffins, and paleo applesauce muffins.

I get a burst of enthusiasm and I channel that into getting back into food prepping. I have never really enjoyed the long food prepping sessions where I spend all day in kitchen, but I am ok with shorter food prep sessions, sneaking in 15 or 20 minutes here and there.

I have a short list of lean proteins and snacks that I do think are worth the time to prepare. For example, grilling out on Sunday nights by the firepit is a common occurrence for us, so why not throw on extra chicken to use throughout the week?

Another time that works for me is when I wake up earlier than the rest of the family, and while I enjoy my coffee, I mix up a batch of either low-carb muffins, hard boil some eggs, or roll up some energy balls.

What are you looking forward to this fall? Reach out if you want me to share those recipe favorites, I will email them to you!

Happy Fall!

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